
So as you know, I have twin two-year old boys, Chip and Dale. (I start a lot of my post off with that very same sentence. A LOT!) When I put them down for a nap they are not fully ready to always nap but, guess what, mama is! Some days I will put them down for a nap and two minutes later I hear them jumping on their beds like trampolines, laughing and screaming and having a good ol’ time. I hate to be the mean lady to break up the party every time, but they need to go to sleep, not just for my sanity but, because they are grumpy boys if they don’t get a nap. Not to mention, my light fixtures on the first floor rattle as they are doing their acrobatics in their beds on the second floor.So, on this particular day they did their normal routine of jumping and finally drifted off to sleep long enough for my oldest, Minnie Mouse and I to get some school work done. We were almost done with school when we heard them stirring, it was within a matter of minutes before I heard the jumping. Minnie and I decided it was time to wrap up school when we heard the scream. This was not a normal happy, I’m playing with my bro scream, this was I am hurt scream. I rushed up the stairs thinking, great one of them jumped out of the bed again. (Yes, I said AGAIN.) But to my surprise when I walked into the room there was Dale with his leg stuck through the slats of the bed. I did what any normal mother would do and got the coconut oil. (What? Yes, coconut oil, better than butter right?) I lathered his sweet chunky leg up with coconut oil and went to work. I tried to push it back through and it wouldn’t budge, not to mention he screamed in pain every time I tried to push it back through.
I tried breaking the slats of the bed, no go! Those cribs are made pretty good, they wouldn’t budge. So I did what any wife would do I called my husband and you can only imagine that conversation. This is how it went down:Me: Hey, we have a problem. Dale’s leg is stuck in the slats of the bed. What do I do?
Chris: Get it out!
Me: No really, I’ve tried Chris! I can’t! I put coconut oil on his leg and it won’t budge.
Chris: How did his leg get stuck in the crib?
Me: I don’t know! So what do I do?
Chris: Break the slats!
Me: I can’t, I’ve tried! They won’t budge!
Chris: Yes they will!
Me: No they won’t! Chris, what do I do?
Chris: Try harder, break the slats!
Me: OMG, really dude!You get the gist of that conversation, right?Chris wasn’t anywhere near our house so luckily my dad was about twenty minutes away so, I tried to keep everyone calm. Surprisingly Dale was the calmest of all of us, but he was starting to get tired, he had all of his weight on one foot. So, Minnie kept Chip calm because he was getting nervous. He knew something was wrong with his brother. I propped up Dale the best I could, lifting up on him just a bit.

Finally my dad got there and he tried to pry the slats open. Again, wouldn’t budge! So he went down to our messy garage, (You know the kind you can’t even fit your car into anymore because it’s so messy) and happen to find limb trimmers and cut through the wood slats of the crib! Finally Dale was free! Chip proceeds to tell my dad: Good job, Pop Pop!

Now our crib is duct taped together from the “ouchy” it has, as Chip calls it. Hey at least it is black duct tape right?


Look real hard for the black duct tape! 😉
Do you have any crazy parenting stories? Or crazy twin stories? I would love to hear so I feel normal! Please share!