Don’t be a social media poot!

Okay, so my “Southern twang” is shining through with that title…. Got your attention, didn’t I?!

I have witnessed a lot of nasty comments on social media in one month alone and it is very disturbing to say the least. From the “red cup” at Starbucks to an “OCD sweater” at Target, political views and gun control views, the list goes on and on. But, the one that sticks out the most to me is in a town that is close to where I live. Without going into full details, lets just say it has divided the town. When everyone should be coming together and leaning on each other in this small town, instead everyone is tearing each other apart. The worst part of it all? Children are involved. The comments and the threats on social media have been awful. Yes, you read right, THREATS.

(Since this blog has published, of course more things have divided people; including political views, religion and the election. So this blog still rings true unfortunately!)

Where I Stand Before We Move Any Further

I am a 30 something year old mom of three who is a Christian. But, let me clarify what a Christian is to me. I am pro-people, pro-love and I am all the way for doing the best I can to show compassion and love to anyone and everyone ALL of the time. Religion and politics do not matter to me. In the long run, yes they matter, but you will never wonder where you stand with me. I love unconditionally and without judgement. I am not perfect, I am firm in my beliefs, but what sets me apart is LOVE.

Now Back to The Topic At Hand

I understand everyone has an opinion, BUT sometimes your opinion DOES NOT matter! Sometimes we just need to sit back, shut up, listen, pray and be there for anyone and everyone in time of need. Whether you believe people are right or wrong, it’s not your decision to make!! We need to love people, sinners and all. Because, the last time I checked we are all sinners. BOOM! Did you read that or did you get caught up in your ways and think, “oh, she isn’t talking to me.” Sugar, yes I am!  I am talking to everyone, myself included.

So what should we do?

7 Ways To NOT Be a Social Media PootBe the light! Be like Jesus in a sinful and failing world. Social media should not be a place for you to judge others, it should be there to uplift and shine. Being believers, we should use the new ways of the world, AKA, social media as a tool to use for the good of spreading the gospel. This world, especially now, is full of broken people. We as believers of Jesus should lift each other up and love one-another! Don’t tear each other down, just because you think your neighbor is wrong!

Loving someone does not mean you agree with their actions. Do you think Jesus agrees with all of His followers’ actions? Nope! He sure doesn’t but, He still loves them!

The last time I looked none of us are perfect, so leave the judging to God and you be there to LOVE. Isn’t that what God sent us to do? To love and shine the light of Jesus? How can you love when you are so busy pointing fingers?

So, while on social media use some manners people! Social media can be a BAD place, but only if we make it that way. Use this power that you have right at your finger tips to do good in this world instead of continuing the negativity.

Just my opinion… (Pun intended! ;-)) Take it or leave it! But, at least put some thought into it!

7 Ways To NOT Be a Social Media Poot

(Yeah, I said POOT!)

1. If you don’t want your mama to read it, DON’T WRITE IT! Our mamas are on social media. If you don’t want her to see what you wrote to someone, don’t write it!!!!

2. Don’t air your dirty laundry on social media and then get mad when people ask about it. Come on! You know people are going to ask! People love drama and dirty laundry after all!

3. Don’t be a Know-It-All! If you don’t know the answer to a question someone is asking, don’t comment. No one likes a know-it-all!

4. For the love of Jesus… Don’t put a picture of your kids poop on social media! Yes, I am proud she is potty-trained (I have 3 children myself, I get it) but, I really don’t want to see your child’s poo. (just sayin’)

5. Please, please, please…. use spellcheck! I while levee it at thot. (I hope you got the sarcastic spelling there, if not, you really do not know me after all!)

6. Don’t hide behind your computer! If you would not say something to someone’s face, don’t type it out to them behind your computer. Besides they could find you if they really wanted to….

7. Don’t argue with a loose canon! It never ends well, loose canons do not listen, you are only talking to yourself. So, why argue?

This list is all in fun, so don’t get your panties in a bunch, but yet it still rings true! I have broken a few of these rules and it never turned out well, so have some manners and DON’T BE A SOCIAL MEDIA POOT! Just don’t! It’s not cool!

Until next time….



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