I feel like I should cue the music,dun dundunnnnn. It’s potty training time for two little boys in this household. I’m not totally dreading it but, I’m kinda second guessing that they are actually ready for such a big task.Let’s just say the last few days has resorted to me cleaning up a lot of messes. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting miracles here just maybe a little bit of advice. I was getting a little worried when Chip used the “frog” as we call it or the “frog potty,” as a skateboard and Dale put his big boy pants on his head and wore them as a hat. (I’m thinking that’s the wrong end.)

As you can see the “frog” has made his home in our living room. I feel like he is happier about this than I am. Wipe that smirk off your face “frog.”Any advice from some twin moms would be greatly appreciated. Preferably twins of the male species. Did you potty train them at the same time? Or separate times?They are two and a half and have a mind of their own. Every morning I wake up wondering what kind of shenanigans I will get into that day. Usually it involves two little two-year olds with a five-year old as their ring leader and I love every minute of it. Makes life interesting, that is for sure!
