Be careful of the new age evangelical religious leaders. I see all too often that society starts idolizing them and taking everything they say as the gospel. But, guess what? They are flawed, human and they are not perfect. And sometimes they get the gospel a bit twisted. So many times these people teeter-totter on that fine line of being a motivational speaker instead of a spiritual leader. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with motivational speakers, but if they claim to be Jesus followers, make sure what they are saying lines up with God’s word. Find out Why Prosperity Gospel is Dangerous!

Research and Use your Discernment

Do not take their word for it! Get out your Bible and see for yourself. For that matter, do not take my word for it either. Research and use your discernment. We live in a lazy society where everyone wants to be told how to feel, think or do without researching for themselves. Having a relationship with God has nothing to do with a spiritual leader, Pastor, spiritual mentor, etc. it has everything to do with you and Him…. and you and Him only! The only way to get closer to Him is through His word. Get out the good book and start reading, praying, building a relationship and talking to Him. These spiritual leaders are meant to boost you, but you have to do the work!

I am not perfect and I get things wrong sometimes too. I follow the wrong people too at times and forget they are human and are flawed. Use your discernment. If what they are saying does not feel or sound right, it probably is not right. I cannot say it enough, especially in this day and time. If you have not started reading the Bible, get to it. We aren’t promised tomorrow. For the love of all that is Holy….. do the work and stop taking other people’s word for it…. not on just this subject, but with every subject! Turn off the TV, study and pray!

Why Prosperity Gospel is Dangerous

Why Prosperity Gospel is Dangerous

Prosperity gospel is very misleading and it does more harm than good. I realize I may get some opposing opinions here, but bring it on… I’ve got a scripture for that.

Prosperity gospel or prosperity theology is defined as a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth. With that being said, make sure the spiritual leaders you follow are not teaching this. It does not line up with the Bible and it will be a huge letdown for you.

This does not mean tithing or giving money back to God and His Kingdom. Tithing is not apart of the prosperity gospel… it’s the intention behind it. Prosperity gospel is giving while expecting something in return from God. Tithing is giving BACK to better the greater good, the Kingdom of God. Notice I said GIVING BACK. The same Kingdom that gave it to you is the same Kingdom you need to give back to. The intention behind the giving decides what kind of gospel you are practicing.

Difference Between Happy and Holy

God’s goal is not to make you happy, but to make you Holy. There are so many people after the Pursuit of Happiness in this world today, but they are looking for the wrong thing. God wants to make you holy. He wants you to be more like Jesus everyday. He wants you to be better than you were yesterday. He wants you to have Joy in this world and joy only comes from the Lord. 

Why Prosperity Gospel is Dangerous


Sermons and Teachings Should Never Be More About You Than Jesus

Don’t listen to any preacher whose sermon is more about you than about Jesus. Prosperity gospel is will always be more about you and about what God can do for. Following Jesus is not about you, it’s about others and loving them. Jesus never put Himself first. And that is what He teaches us as our relationship grows with Him.

We Have Two Lives

We have two lives. The one we learn with and the life we live after that. Suffering is what brings us to joy and happiness. God hurts when we suffer, it is not His will and we all have free will,  This world is full of free will, wickedness and suffering, but boy oh, boy, the end result is so worth it. Jesus never said life would be easy, but He said it would be worth it. Matthew 7: 13-14. Heaven is our ultimate goal. Our goal on this earth is not to be happy but holy, by getting as many people to Heaven with us. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to be there alone.

God provides for His people and He never gives you more than you deserve. We do not deserve anything from Him! I do not know about you, but His gift of His son and eternal life is more than enough for me. Knowing that I do not deserve it and He still gives is such an agape love that I can never explain.

This World is Not Your Home

Don’t let the world suck you in. The devil will always twist God’s truth around. He will make it sound correct, holy and from God. If it does not line up with the Bible, it is not from God. Start doing your own research. Start reading your Bible, it will not steer you in the wrong direction. Besides wouldn’t you rather read it for yourself than take someone’s word for it. Just another reason that Prosperity Gospel is Dangerous.

Grow Closer to God by knowing Prosperity Gospel is Dangerous

Check out my 7 Day FREE Daily Devotional so you can get started reading your Bible and grow closer to God. My husband, Chris and I put this 7 Day FREE Daily Devotional together with you in mind. None of us know where to start sometimes. Or maybe you have a relationship with God, but need a fresh new outlook. Grab your 7 Day FREE Daily Devotional and get started.