I know you have heard the saying: Dance like no one is watching!

But, I am daring you to: Be The Weirdo In The Room And Make Sure Everyone Is Watching! Be brave enough to want the attention and make them watch you. For once, don’t worry about who is watching and be YOU!

I have always been the “odd ball out”, the weirdo in the family, the quiet, yet quirky one in the room or my favorite (insert eye roll) the BEEP in the room, because all everyone sees is the surface. I may do things differently, I may even think differently than everyone else and I may even keep to myself at times. That may make me weird, b+*&$chy, or odd to society, but to God I am unique, a good servant and humble to do the calling He has on my life. Let me explain…

Be The Weirdo In The Room And Make Sure Everyone Is WatchingLive Out Your Calling

Don’t get me wrong, I am not perfect. I do not have it all together and I do not even pretend to. I am a Hot Mess and I am here to admit it and shout it from the rooftop. Ask my ladies in my PurposeFULL Woman Small Groups. I talk about being a Hot Mess quite often.

I fail, I fall flat on my face sometimes and wake up on the wrong side of the bed somedays. But, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I have a calling. A calling is a path that God wants you to take in your life that lives out His glory. It isn’t a call from you mama or your daddy, it isn’t a dream that a teacher has for you and it isn’t a plan that your spouse has set for you. It is the ultimate plan, the plan God has set for you. But you see, we have a choice to take the path God has given us or to take our own path. I am here to tell you, I have tried both and only one turns out well. The path God gives you is always the best, it isn’t the easiest, but it is the best for your life and for His Kingdom.

The Ultimate Calling

Our #1 calling in life is to be His disciple, to live out our lives telling the world about His glory. The other day I saw a picture, Franklin Graham posted on Instagram about his father, Rev. Billy Graham. (Check out the Instagram post below.) I will give you a minute to read and look at it. What amazes me about this picture and many others about the Reverend is that he is still winning souls to Christ even after his death. That one billboard is affecting hundreds of thousands of people until this day even after his death. (Not even counting the other billboards they have around.) He is still speaking to people. Or should I say: God is still speaking through the Rev. Billy Graham even after his death.

I can only imagine the line that stood waiting for the Reverend as he walked through the pearly gates. I am sure there were countless people that wanted to shake his hand or hug his neck, because he had a lot to do with why they are there in the first place. I can not even imagine the people that were there waiting to tell him “thank you”!

With that being said: I wonder how many people will be waiting on me like that? Can I confidently say, when I die that I lived out my ultimate calling? The calling of winning lost souls to Christ, so they can walk through the pearly gates with me. I don’t know about you, but I want as many souls in heaven with me as possible. Not just for my own selfish reasons, but because that is what I was called to do. I do not want to see anyone have the alternative of eternity in Hell. Sounds harsh, but it is true.

“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth” (Exodus 9:16).

Be The Odd Ball

In order to live out your calling you have to be the “odd ball out”! I am not even joking about this one. Every single day I hear the whispers, I read the emails and instant messages and I feel the stares as I live out my days doing it God’s way. The world doesn’t always see things the way we see them. The world can be a cruel, cruel place. When you seem to be the odd one, the world starts turning on you. They start judging and making you have self-doubts.

Everyday before I go to bed, I have to ask myself: Did I handle that the way God wanted me to? Did I do what God wanted me to do? Did I seek His guidance today? If I answer “yes” to all, it doesn’t matter who thought it was crazy, mean, stupid, funny or down-right dumb. When my decisions back up God’s calling on my life and God’s word, I know I have done the right thing.

Be The Weirdo In The Room And Make Sure Everyone Is Watching

When you live out your calling, someone will get hurt, someone will think you are weird and someone will turn on you. They will! I hate to be the barer of bad news, but you know I have never been one to sugar-coat anything. I shoot it to ya straight!

Who cares what they think. If God called you to it, He will pull you through it. No matter how many people disapprove and cannot see the vision. Who cares!

Stop Letting The Enemy Take Control

Once the devil sees you are unstoppable and you are going to live out your true calling, he will try to stop you. He will send obstacles, even people to deter you and your path. Do not let him do it! He has no power or reign over you, so why would you let him. Seriously?!

God Created You For Great Things

Listen…. God created you to do great things. He created you for BIG things! Let Him guide you. Let Him mold you. Let Him take the wheel! Come on, you know the song: Jesus, Take The Wheel! I mean, come on, let loose and let Him take the wheel, sista!

“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). 

Be The Weirdo In The Room And Make Sure Everyone Is Watching

You see, when you live out your calling, you will be the weird one. You will be weird to the world, but to God you will be  the daughter He created you to be. But, here is the beautiful part: When you are the weird one, everyone watches. They wait with bated breath, wondering what you will do next. Once they see that you aren’t so bad, they will want to watch more, then before you know it, they will want to sip the same kool-aid you’ve been drinking! The same Jesus kool-aid you’ve been drinking for years that they thought was weird, is all of a sudden not-so-weird after all.

Be The Weirdo In The Room And Make Sure Everyone Is Watching

God builds our character to match our calling! He wants a woman with the kind of character that will shout His name off of the roof top my friends! He needs you to be His humble servant that He called you to be. Let Him build your character into the woman you were created to be and then (just then) you won’t care who is watching!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Until next time…

