Have you ever wondered what you would say if you could talk to your younger-self?

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger SelfAlthough my husband and I are not “OLD”, we find ourselves in the age group of mentors. We have been called mentors a few times and that word has had me thinking. Although I am honored, I wonder if I am qualified. But, before I get into that……..

I have never considered myself a mentor….. I mean, for one, I am not old enough. But, yeah, I guess I am (we started late having a family). Who am I kidding, after all?

I don’t have a lot to give to the young(er) community. Or do I? But, as my husband and I find ourselves in this stage of life, we are bowing down to the fact that, yes, we are mentors.

Now, I am realizing I DO have a lot to give to the young(er) community. I wish I had someone like me telling me not to sweat the small stuff, or showing me that this too shall pass and that no matter what, God still loves me. So, in honor of my husband and I getting older, him older than myself, might I add, (I have a feeling I won’t hear the end of that comment) we both have compiled a list of things that we wish we would have known when we were younger.

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self

  1. Learn: You do not have to go to school to learn but, learn and keep learning. Never stop using your brain!
  2. Save a little bit of money: When you get married and have kids things might get a “wee bit tighter”. Your wallet may squeak a bit! It may not but, be prepared, just incase. It’s always better to be prepared!
  3. Stop worrying about when you will get married: God has a plan and a great one. He will take you on the path He has planned for you.
  4. Live: Don’t sweat the small stuff. This actually applies to every stage of life. There will always be obstacles but, the obstacles are as hard or as easy as you make them. Pray through and God will see you through the obstacles.
  5. Don’t let society determine when you are ready to do anything: Moving out of your parent’s house, getting married, having a baby, whatever the case may be. Seek God and let God help you determine when the time is right.
  6. Don’t be pushed aroundYou are a child of God. You matter! Don’t let people tell you what is best for you, only God knows what is best for you. Trust Him!
  7. Go after your dreams and callings God has for you: Even if you think they are farfetched or they don’t matter. This applies in all stages of life. In different stages of your life your dreams may change but, don’t let change scare you. Seek God and let Him lead. He will never forsake you!
  8. Don’t try to go with the crowd: The crowd isn’t always going your way. Everyone has a different calling and direction. Be your own person. Again, let God guide you.
  9. You are beautiful: Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are made by the Most High, the Almighty God. And let, me tell you a secret….. A mentor of mine once told me, “God, don’t do ugly.” Yes, his grammar was WAY off for effectiveness but, you will always remember it now. Won’t you?! 🙂
  10. Don’t let words affect your life: If you were called a brat as a child, don’t keep believing it. It you were called fat as a child or teen, don’t let it stick with you and define who you are. Again, God made you and He doesn’t make ugly! 🙂

Do something today that your future self will thank you forYou see, this list means more than anything to me because, I know God is doing something. He is always “up to something”! God has called both, Chris and I, into this ministry in more ways than one, both here online, in church and in the community. God showed me, I do have a lot to give to the young(er) community. I may not be considered an elder, but Chris and I have both walked through life with sins and issues. We both vowed a long time ago that whatever God brought us through, we would tell the story. We would tell of His love and mercy. But, most of all we would tell about His everlasting love for His children. Isn’t that what it is all about?

Will you pray for my husband and I as we take on this new journey in life, this new calling and new era that I have finally bowed down to and started believing. Our lives are just beginning actually. I believe He is giving Chris and I this opportunity, so we can become even better mentors to our own children.

Lord knows we have done some stupid things. Lord knows I have made enemies over the years and I am still hated for my wrong doings by some. Lord knows I have done awful things to my body. But, I have lived to tell about it. I am going to fulfill the call God has on my life and I will stand strong. Won’t you do the same?

He has always seen Chris and I through all of our struggles. He may not have answered our prayers the way we thought they should have been answered but, somehow He always answered them better. The situation may not have gotten better over night but, there was always a lesson around the corner or a better way of handling the situation.

What is God calling you to do in the stage of life you are in right now? Are you ready to take the leap of faith and do it? What’s holding you back?

You matter! You matter to me! You matter to God!

Best Mentors EVERThank you for allowing me into your home and reading every week. Feel free to comment or join me on social media. I am always looking for new friends.

Until next time…



P.S. We look like the best mentors ever, right? Am I right? 🙂 HA!

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photo credit: ProFlowers.com assorted color purple yellow orange and pink tulips in a glass vase with mom holding daughter in background via photopin (license)